Paul Kowert mini interview – commissioning Nick Lloyd to make a copy of Edgar Meyer’s bass

This episode features a short interview with Paul Kowert of Hawktail and Punch Brothers talking about his Nick Lloyd double bass.

I interviewed Nick about making the bass (episode 245) and thought it would be cool to chat to Paul about what makes the instrument special and why he wanted a copy of Edgar Meyer's bass in the first place.

You'll also get to hear a track from Hawktail's latest release 'Place of Growth' featuring Paul playing the bass we're talking about.

Hope you enjoy it!

You'll find info on Nick and his basses at the Nick Lloyd Basses website 

Check out Hawktail's website for more info on the record (and make sure you sign up to their mailing list for updates and tour info).

Happy picking!

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Thanks to Bryan Sutton for his wonderful theme tune to Bluegrass Jam Along (and to Justin Moses for playing the fiddle!)

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