Food for Thought #5 – Playing Along With Manzanita

Hi everyone. Very quick Food For Thought episode this week!

I spoke to Tristan Scroggins earlier this week (see episode #121 to check out the great interview he gave). He told me his dad used to practice banjo along to Tony Rice's Manzanita album because there was no banjo on it.

I also read something from the wonderful Julian Lage on why playing along with recordings is so important.

It got me to thinking about how other people find recordings to play along with, that either do or don't already have someone filling their role. What do you choose and why?

Have a listen and see what my take is. Then head over to Bluegrass Jamalong's Instagram or Facebook and tell us what you think!

Happy picking.

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Thanks to Bryan Sutton for his wonderful theme tune to Bluegrass Jam Along (and to Justin Moses for playing the fiddle!)

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